in the red with me

salvete. this neocities page is supposed to act as the main hub for everything "ridinginthered"-centric, as a replacement and retaliation to the centralization and conformity of other websites. this website is mainly blogposting about music of my own, others and events, other cool stuff, real life things and general thoughts, and to make sure my html/css abilities don't falter.

in recent times, i've become more of a privacy nut than i was before. i feel like paranoia and borderline schizophrenia is a good character trait to have, seeing as how so many places love hogging your data now, and are generally just full of annoying fags, so i usually just go on forums and imageboards (that aren't 4cuck) in my spare time. though, at the end of the day, both computers i have run windows 10
click on any of the favourite characters to go onto the other pages